Step 1 of
We’re going to help you find the perfect instructor based on YOUR needs.
Enter the zip code where you would like to take your lessons.
We’re going to help you find the perfect instructor based on your needs.
Who are the lessons for?
- Myself
- My children
- Someone else
- A group
We work with all ages from 3 to 103
How old are you?
- 3-10 years
- 11-18 years
- 19-34 years
- 35-44 years
- 45-54 years
- 55+ years
We work with all skill levels from beginners to scratch golfers.
What is your skill level?
They have never touched a club or when they did it didn't go that well
They can play at a low level, but need some help with technique
They are a low handicapper looking to fine-tune their game and work on course-management strategy
They are a mid/low handicapper with solid technique and control over their shots We are a mid/low handicappers with solid technique and control over our shots
We will pair you with an instructor capable of delivering the specific results that YOU are after.
What is the goal of the lesson?
I am looking for my child to learn and improve their golf game.
They simply want to improve their golf game
Business Relationships
I don't want to embarrass myself at my next company golf outing
They don't want to embarrass myself at the next company golf outing
Family Fun
They are looking for a fun activity they can share with their family
I am looking for a fun activity I can share with my family
Meet New People
They are looking for a social activity that will help them meet new people I am looking for a social activity that will build my child’s confidence
Our Instructors have access to convenient locations, but in some cases will come to your private facility.
Where would you like your lessons?
- I want to go to the instructors course or driving range
- I have a location in mind for my lessons
Our instructors will work with you to find the most convenient time for your lessons.
What day and time would you prefer your lessons?
- Weekdays
- Weekends
- I'm Flexible
Our instructors will work with you to find the most convenient time for your lessons.
What times are most convenient?
- Mornings
- Afternoons
- Evenings
- I'm Flexible
We'll call you, but in the meantime Click Here to see the top instructors in your area.
If you are a returning customer please
Login or Register to rebook your instructor.